The nation is being overtaken by an alien threat that invades bodies, alters minds, and transforms freedom-loving people into a mindless, compliant, conforming mob intolerant of anyone who dares to be different, let alone think for themselves. There are some minor issues (like misspellings), but I think the video can and should be distributed further. Just leave us alone.' Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get and to promise to give it to them. Those are the nations of the world today.We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies,The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, “Lack of education turns soldiers into killing machines.” This documentary does not meet this requirement to be classified as propaganda. The key to change society is to inform and educate people, especially young children, where conditioning is the most effective. Seems this is the beta version, though. We need to teach introductory psychology at school as quite a few basic psychology theories show how easily we are manipulated and influenced without our knowledge to do and think how people want us to act and think. The U.K. government greatly underestimated the public’s understanding about the clear and present danger posed by the heavily promoted yet untested COVID vaccines — and to neutralize that healthy opposition, they have enlisted “experts” in mass psychology to convince the public that their coming enslavement through vaccination is actually their “ticket to freedom”: … And who is more angry than an abused child? I was here in London during the summer riots. Bible Law vs. Truth is what you make it. The soldiers who employ "Psy Ops" use every means available to destroy the will of the enemy to resist. Yet it has only evolved to match the times: We ourselves are victims of a false materialistic mythology based on the fundamental deception that I am seperate than YOU. God or not you were inspired by something bigger than you know! “Children need real values instead of Mickey Mouse garbage.” Let freedom reign. Post, E-mail,Copy, Send, Show, Tell...don't make it your lonely journal at home, make it carry your voice way beyond the walls of your home. August 19, 2020. Life is love, peace, harmony, diversity, and freedom. This Biblical information was never mentioned in the political, manmade, government schools and one private school that I attended, but of course all these schools had political government contracts/grants/kids on government scholarships so they all had conflicts of interest, i.e. What is new about psychological warfare is the manner in which it recently has been systematically organized and used as an integral part of military operations. Another section of the NFL was responsible for working with groups in the West opposed to the war, and Western media to weaken the resolve of the American government. And watch and see that fear is only a mirage.Its not real because if you pay attention you will notice that every time you are afraid of something you really never get harmed. This doesn't necessarily mean slowing progress, not all technological advances is a sign of progress; for example we have nuclear war, a powerful risk that was non existent before modern technology. “The course of Russian history has, indeed, been greatly affected by the operations of international bankers,” Rep. Louis T. McFadden, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee throughout the 1920-30s, explained. Alexandra Bruce – Psychological warfare weapons developed by the US military with US Taxpayer money are currently being used against the American People, as described in Millie Weaver’s film, ‘ShadowGate’.. Now, Millie is back with ‘Revenge of the Kraken!’ the just-released documentary about the 2020 Election. Let freedom ring. We need to pound the phones. It would seem a “capitalist” like Rockefeller would be opposed to Mao and communism. Our organization, Citizens Against Social Media Propaganda (find us on fb) is very concerned about this and has started a petition (see our website at Stop Social Media Propaganda dot org). There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. love diversity will that truly bring harmony? Source: Joe Hoft Millie Weaver from InfoWars was reportedly arrested at home in Ohio this weekend shortly after releasing a video documentary labeled “Shadowgate”. Isn't that just the same as what you just claimed to be the greatest threat? The United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective Copyright © 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights Reserved. “We need to snap out of this induced trance and turn this ship around. My praise to Top Documentary Film for sharing with us quality films of this caliber. Historian Audra Wolfe ’s new book, Freedom’s Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science, looks at the role of science in U.S. psychological warfare during the Cold War. Any queries, please contact The god of abused children is Satan (anger leads to the dark side). That is a completely different “choice”. America needs to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires while being public servants” — Jaeson Lubell [Better yet, we would be wise to recognize that the income tax is just stealing and end it or even better, terminate/abandon political government. Excellent. Who said money is power?? Psychological warfare, also called psywar, the use of propaganda against an enemy, supported by such military, economic, or political measures as may be required. Any queries, please contact Leon Trotsky was given $20 million in gold by the banker Jacob Schiff to help finance the revolution. “The Soviet Government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board… acting through the Chase Bank.”. It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers all over again. “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. However, instead of changing our minds, we're medicating the ensuing cognitive dissonance. It depends on what you eat. “Psychological warfare” ... As noted in part one of the documentary, the existence of the film and the identity of the undercover reporter became known after footage he had shot for it was used in Al Jazeera’s The Lobby – about Israel’s … And why the sea is boiling hot — The video is about a group of individuals and government contractors who are behind the Obamagate coup attempt of President Trump. Franz Oppenheimer identified the two basic means by which people can acquire wealth in the world: [1] the “economic means,” and [2] the “political means.” The “economic means” consists of relationships in which individuals voluntarily engage in transactions for the exchange of goods and services. There is no America. AWESOME DOCUMENTARY. Mar 27, 2019 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The intriguing exchanges shed a light on the murky practices of Joshua's camp, but overall the documentary is a positive portrayal of the changes Parker embraced to get himself in … Government is corporate as per O’Neal vs. Wake Co. (NC), 1928. The Internet, Psychological Warfare, and Mass Conspiracy Controlling minds and manipulating behavior through social media . William Cooper ~ Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare I “This election was part of a pre-meditated coup d’état to overthrow our Constitutional government, to make way for an international Liberal World Order, controlled through Global Governance under Chinese hegemony, aka “The Great Reset”. This a documentary series introduces the concept of psychological warfare, exploring the propaganda principles and strategies of the narrative needed to justify war. There are no third worlds. stop consuming, grow your own food, excercise every day instead of chugging down pills, and you will reduce their hold over you. These propagandaist make Allah and Islam the enemy to fear when in all actualality it is the solution... but only if you knew. Are you free? Mencken. Don't you guys ever watch TED? Reliable sources stated the arrest of this U.S. journalist was orchestrated from a classified SCIF at Wright-Patterson AFB by subjects in the documentary. This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship between war, propaganda and class. Eventually such concepts will change our society. CALL YOUR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES: (202) 225-3121 • CALL YOUR SENATE REPRESENTATIVES: (202) 224-3121. War Documentary hosted by Charlton Heston, published by Mill Creek in 2014 - English narration [] Cover[] InformationSecrets of War: Weapons of War Secrets of War: Weapons of War was released May 13, 2014 by the Mill Creek Entertainment studio. The soldiers who employ "Psy Ops" use every means available to destroy the will of the enemy to resist. Metanoia? Lenin was provided a free pass to travel across Europe with the help of Max Warburg, head of the Rothschild-affiliated Warburg bank. The printing was done by the official Government Printing agency or by eight local private printing firms approved by the agency, all in Kuala Lumpur. Of cabbages — and kings — Soviet Union didn't work because it was never going to work out in the first place, Trotsky was once asked where is the best place for Communism & he said America. Psychological warfare is a broad term, but in all documented cases, the concept uses actions intended to reduce an opponent's morale or mental well being. In this episode, we look at how the tactical use of truth and Especially dealing with psychological warfare and propaganda for which documentary evidence is given. “The Fake News and the social media giants are attempting to demoralize and gaslight American voters into believing that Trump lost the election. Excellently presented documentary. There is no democracy. But yeah, a lot of those products are crap. Thank you. Ronald Bernard Ex Illuminati Banker Exposes The Elite And Reveals What its really like at the Top Everyone is distracted. These people really run the government. Editor. Sounds very well-reasoned. The elites just don't want to share any of it with you, they also financed the largest propaganda racket in the history of humanity targeting the united sheep of America. Right now Americans live in a semi-fascist plutocracy & the anti-communist propaganda sheets have been pulled over your eyes to blind from the hard facts on the ground, which is MASSIVE suffering & homelessness. I say this was formed to control people because I remember how my family would use it against me to discourage me from going out in the bad weather which I happen to love. Fewer still acknowledge contemporary First Nations cultures and cultural creations. In this episode, we look at how the tactical use of truth and misinformation has … Why do you assume that the music at 1.03 is a "pseudo "red indian" chant"? Not in a good way either. Experience has demonstrated conclusively that psychological warfare is a highly effective weapon which can be used to minimize expenditure of human life and destruction of property. If we are ever to turn around from the downfall we are racing towards, a site like TDF may be our greatest help. Our neverending quest for more effective, more intelligent, and faster communication of ideas through language and media has also led to an harmonic increase in our ability to deceive. An illustration of a magnifying glass. 51 min. “Anyway it is America; what has it got to do with us?” Psywar goes a long way toward explaining why all the solutions we have aren't being implemented, and there's no easy solution to the problem of an illegitimate government (one that no longer represents the wills of the people). Now through media avenues such as youtube and facebook (although not completely transparent) offer some liberation in social and political discourse and sharing information and ideas. I missed most of this because of the annoying background music. Yuri Bezmenov, known by the alias Tomas David Schuman, was a Soviet KGB informant who defected to Canada. Excellent film. Psychological warfare has taken many forms since its initial widespread usage in WW1. Just an example of how someone can accidentally spread bad propaganda; I am always told by family and friends that I will catch a cold going out in bad weather and they swear by this perceived fact, and we argue over their mistake as I argue science shows that a cold is a result not of the your getting wet and cold but from a living bacteria that is spread and in fact the spread of the common cold relies on warmth to multiply and cold will actually inhibit it. az, is that the basis of your existence, why are you here? Skip to main content. As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. That’s quite a switch from the standard documentary of this genre, as Pogo would state, “I have seen the enemy and it is us”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Not the end-all to explaining why we buy what we buy into but a good basis for understanding. Psychological warfare has taken many forms since its initial widespread usage in WW1. Maybe spend time with friends and family, or maybe read books, watch good films, do something creative... i do agree with you on all your 100%...but we must remember to not give 0% to waking up. There is only ONE way out of an ambush people, and that is straight fking through it! If all you want is solutions, your friendly neighbourhood government specializes in solutions. New York City. Propaganda is wonderful thing that has been horribly misused for all the wrong reasons throughout history, this is the reasoning behind the sophistication of our propaganda system in the west. REALLY? I am not criticising you and I think I understand what you are trying to achieve but you are trying to highlight the dangers of propaganda by using propaganda which is firstly hypocritical and suggests you do not fully comprehend propaganda yourself and there fore your group may not be the best people to try and make such changes. if only the 315 million Americans watched this documentary. We can eat one meal a day, like our ancestors and be skinny and healthy! I don't say that that's a bad thing, I think the goals of this documentary are indeed good, but if you want to empower people to fight propaganda, you have to teach them, why propaganda is so successful: because people choose to rely on others to give them objective truth. With Paddock Jr. Alfred H., Charlton Heston, Christopher St. John, Philip M. Taylor. Or did they know they were condemning us to live as slaves on the plantation state? ), The time has come,’ the Walrus said, they were all prejudiced in favor of manmade, political government; it’s the money/”drug.” Political government has trapped us all with the welfare state’s and “Statist’s” loot A to satisfy B schemes. I just say woe. Any thing you read is propaganda as the writer will always be expressing some kind of view and try to get a message across in some manner. Alexandra Bruce – Psychological warfare weapons developed by the US military with US Taxpayer money are currently being used against the American People, as described in Millie Weaver’s film, ‘ShadowGate’.. Now, Millie is back with ‘Revenge of the Kraken!’ the just-released documentary about the 2020 Election., [“The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. Please people do yourself a favor and question EVERYTHING you take as fact. Psychological warfare involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups. Wow. wow unlimited freedom huh? A bit off topic but the point being, we weren't ready for technology, the western world didn't consider how the general population would become couch potatoes and have children that prefer to play football on a computer console such as the xbox rather than play football outside, kids that don't want to go out and play, read a book or make models. This problem is far more serious than we think most people realize. That is the natural order of things today. When we as a people start doing for others and realize that money is really for our comforts and not survival were free. OK, which one of these doozies would be receptive to helping Trump when they ALL were involved in trying to impeach him? I wish I could bang society’s collective head together! – JW], “Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.” – Milton Friedman. Although this being said, solutions come from knowing the problems first and then acting and educating yourself on these solutions. Thank you so much for your time, research and diligence! one of the big problems IMO with conspiracy and anti-power fanatics is that they are attracted to the negativity as it excites them or they want to hate somebody or be negative. Says Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Eric Kandel. But when you boil it all down the # 1 killer of the world is the US, we have more of our own citizens in prison than any country on this planet not to mention the grand canyon of wealth inequality between the rich & the poor. Category: `` solutions '' taking effect on Tuesday socialism, is what we is! The ensuing cognitive dissonance all its subtleties except the Belief you put on.... 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