Harold had the bad luck of "starring" in a science fiction film along with Karen Fishook whose director became obsessed with using Hoist and several of the Autobots as his main characters (likely saving loads on his FX budget). Often inhibited by his disdain for combat. Known as "Scourge", after being injured and recreated with a new form during the battle of Autobot City. In battle, lashes out with wings, beak, and claws to cut everything to ribbons. As car goes 280 mph... uses wings under rear fenders for sub-sonic flight. Eventually became a Headmaster with Spike as his counterpart. Though the plan failed, Megatron was pleased because he found that his Transmetal 2 technology worked. Full-Tilt is a Decepticon drone from the Generation 1 continuity family. Sole purpose is to protect all life. Believes the key to a mission's success lies in the perfection of its planning. The coming of the Transformers to Nebulos may have been a tragedy for most of his race, but it was quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to Duros... and also the worst, in Hardhead he has found a kindred spirit, and the two have bonded over their shared interest in combat and warfare to become one of the closest pairings among all the Headmasters. Slowest and most resilient of the group. Splits into three autonomous modules: 1) Optimus Prime... the brain center known as the Commander 2) Roller, the Autobot scout car... a spy who operates up to 1200 miles away; and 3) Autobot Headquarters... the combat deck equipped with a versatile mechanic/artillery robot. As a Targetmaster, he is paired with Haywire, excitable Nebulan teenager whose impulsiveness makes him a chancy electro-laser cannon, at best. Shoots a variety of liquids from supercooled nitrogen to superheated lead. Fires particle beam fusion cannon. In robot mode, has 10-Megawatt electron gun. In battle station mode, Trypticon uses Brunt's turret as his main cannon. Later versions portray Thundercracker and Scourge as separate entities. In robot mode, uses electrical overload guns. Nebulans are aliens from the planet Nebulos who co-operate with the Transformers. Uses a 400 mph, wind producing cyclone gun. The Return of Optimus Prime (Part 2) and Call of the Primitives, A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA) license, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_The_Transformers_(TV_series)_characters&oldid=1001690083#Dinobots, Lists of characters in American television animation, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In charge of guarding anything of importance. His manic attack can be countered with cool logic. In robot mode, carries a concussion rifle which also causes mechanical failures. In vehicle mode, uses two gravity-rod rifles to cause objects to float away or crash to the ground. Cold blooded, likes nothing more than destroying Autobots. Can turn into blinding beacon by releasing some of this light energy. One of the older Nebulans to join the Autobots, Recoil was a former All-World Prismaball champion on his home planet, until age finally caught up with him. Flies in laser gun or robot mode. Like Astrotrain, he believes the poor should be exploited, the weak oppressed, and the noble corrupted. As car or robot uses launcher to fire heat-seeking incendiary missiles 60 miles. Alongside Soundwave and Shockwave, Skywarp is one of Megatron's loyal and most favored troops. Lifts 20 tons. Uses anything he hears for blackmail to advance his status. Has one foot wingspan that can enlarge to ten feet. Possesses superior eyesight and sense of smell. Shows his true malevolent genius by incorporating defeated Autobots into his buildings' structures. If Aerialbots needed pilots' licenses, he'd never have gotten his... a hazard in the skies. Formula 1. Can detect infrared. What should I name my raptor? Has two balance destroying gyro-guns in robot mode. As an automatic machine gun, Caliburst can shoot armor-piercing shells at 1200 rounds per minute. They also bolstered their cassette force with Rewind and Eject, who can transform to robot mode and use more conventional fighting force techniques. Nothing but only a Cybertronic tank in robot mode. Transforming into a version of Kup's original old-style musket laser, Recoil has found a good match with the crusty Autobot, both seeking the respect they feel their age and experience deserves. In his workbay on Earth he can make anything from a pin to a missile. He rules lands adjacent to rival lord Sir Wigend du Blackthorne in the countryside far from. Blackarachnia stole some hardware from the destroyed raptors. Tires secrete adhesive that enables him to drive up most walls. As car, has powerful double-mounted air-compressor cannon with 50 mile range; as robot uses blinding photon pistol. Prone to overheating. A one-robot "black market." Wipe-Out serves Trypticon with an astonishing level of toadying sycophancy, layering on so many compliments that he actually irritates the giant with them. Magnetism inhibits flying ability. The dependable, resourceful, and stoic Duros is a great addition to the Autobot army, but his eager desire for action and love of combat have made him an outsider among the naturally peaceful Nebulans and has led him to be shunned even by his family and, most painfully, his now estranged wife. Full spectrum multi-sensor behind his head determines an object's composition, density, tensile strength, energy properties. Due to his size and inefficient use of energy, he is highly energy-consumptive, and is often left inoperable. Lightning fast reflexes. Vulnerable to attack by electromagnetic waves. Nothing is too insignificant or irrelevant to escape his notice. Though she is the girlfriend of noted mobster Victor Drath, Michelle does not object to spending the night with random strangers who turn up wounded on her doorstep. Although he means well, Hot Rod's impulsive actions often get him into trouble. Flies at 250 mph. Aged to the point of decrepitude, he has painful memories of the Boer War, and is no longer able to pour tea straight. Has difficulty talking coherently for more than a few seconds before violently lashing out at anything near him, friend or foe. Loves the ocean and its creatures... unhappy when he returns to land and reverts to robot form. Arms act as powerful pile drivers. Very cool, very stylish, very competent. In city mode, has helipad and fully equipped repair bays that can handle four vehicles at once. Flies at 250 mph... air-to-air missile launcher under each wing fires missiles equivalent of 5000 lbs. Princess Nimue is a human who lived in the countryside some distance from the city of Camelot in the mid-sixth century. Very vulnerable as insect and flying in high winds. A show off... proud that he is one of few Autobots that can fly. Travels long distances with pogo-like motion. Not a lot of progress, mind you... Thankfully Peacemaker knows how to be patient, loves a challenge, and is firm in his belief that optimism leads to success. In creature mode, claws allow him to climb any wall. Hologram gun projects 3-dimensional grid laser-light topographical maps. Thankfully, they don't like it when you invert polarities, which drives them off. Easily distracted by a beautiful car – because he wants to destroy it, not admire it. The sound of his engines causes petrifying fear in those who hear them. Professor Greene is a scientist who just wants to help the Autobots defend Earth against the Decepticons. As vehicle, can carry 90 tons for 1200 miles, use a dual heat-seeking missile mount. Carries a gravity-enhancing gravito-gun. Lenses are his weakest part. Duros was born to be a soldier on a world without war. She appears in a handful of episodes early in the third season. Carries two powerful heat-seeking missiles. Feels literally and figuratively above the other Transformers as he soars through outer space. Gears is anti-social, a self-proclaimed misfit. The Throttlebot's self-appointed comedian. Prefers streaking into a cluster of Decepticons to shooting at them from long range... says, "that always sparks their wires a bit." Maximum speed: 400 mph; range: 1200 miles. Uses friction rifle that increases kinetic energy of its target's molecules for five minutes. Possesses great rivalry with the Decepticon combiner Predaking. Created from the remains of Thundercracker, he leads "The Sweeps", a wolf pack of tracker-terminators designed to hunt down and eradicate Autobots. Uses spare time to work on his polish. Fortunately for Megatron, he just happened to have an extra spark on hand. Aristocratic, aloof – disguises his long distance loneliness. Often expresses skillful knowledge of science and computers and works closely with Wheeljack and Perceptor. In vehicle mode, Sureshot's maximum speed: 290 mph, range: 1200 miles. Slow and methodical – weathers artillery fire with the same calm he endures criticism of his apparent laziness. Windcharger is the fastest Autobot over short distances. Apparently, death crystals are also the only thing that can hurt it. Ruthless, cold-blooded, and treacherous. Lack of sunlight hampers the guns' performance. He is the leader, but since his mouth is usually full, his orders are usually misinterpreted. Transformers name generator . Hates his Dinobot form, longs to return to Cybertron. In a contest between an intelligent gun and an intelligent gunner, the gun gets a majority vote. In jet mode, maximum speed: 2400 mph. In battle, gets close enough to count the bolts in Decepticon armor plates. This mold was later used to make the. In the future year of 2007, Morgan works in the fields of metallurgy, robotics and palynology. As robot has high-temperature arc-welder rifle... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. King Nergill rules Sub-Atlantica, a hidden kingdom of water-breathing humanoid fishmen. Cruel, vicious, but apparently built with a few wires crossed. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. While he was originally trained in English, Rex also understood commands in German, the native language to … A lumbering, powerful Transformer like Trypticon has many important things to attend to (like destruction). Their main leader is Optimus Prime, but other "Primes" have also commanded the Autobots such as Rodimus Prime. Range: 500 miles. 6 points ️ Name Ideas 3 weeks ago Report. Has most sophisticated logic center of all Autobots. Expands to 1200 ft. length as carrier, capable of landing jets and carrying other Autobots. It cannot help that Sureshot is a jerk, of course, and presumably he never calls. Laserbeak takes pleasure in hunting his prey – usually the straggling survivors of a battle. Scourge is fearsome, merciless and an implacable hunter. Doesn't pay attention to where he is going or the orders he is being given – easily distracted by anything. Aches to return to Cybertron to complete the Decepticon conquest, but only after destroying all Autobots on Earth. Just don't bug him with the details. Transformers is a huge entertainment franchise dating back to 1984. Likes to be where the action is. They live in smoldering craters on Jupiter's moon of Io. Versatile, clever, daring, but prone to be distracted. Strong, rugged, agile – the most macho of all Autobots. He has a green suit. Though Megatron used Dinobot's DNA with the Transmetal driver to create the Cyber raptor, it is not as intelligent as Clone One, the Dinobot Clone. The unexpected can often scramble his circuits. Travels at 100 mph, range 400 miles, hauls up to 60 tons. Six-Gun is one of Metroplex's autonomous troops, and is composed of six of the city-bot's guns. As a Targetmaster, Hot Rod often goes off on his own adventure with Firebolt, his electrostatic discharger rifle, who led a quiet scholarly life as Nebulan's top atomic physics scientist until he became the thrill-seeking Hot Rod's partner, Firebolt is excited, but nervous, about the prospect. Created, Nightbird is a human construct with a single form and thus not actually a Transformer herself. According to The Transformers' version, in the days of Megatron, Decepticons developed the art of espionage using cassette technology. Creative and unique raptor name ideas by ARK players. Megatron would sooner melt him than talk to him, but knows he is even worse company for the Autobots. In car mode goes up to 250 mph with amazing maneuverability. Completely without mercy. Carries a concussion blaster gun. Would rather read about jet fighters than be one... fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. Top speed of 1500 mph. Enormous memory storage capacity. Plots against his allies, thus weakening his position. Uses a scatter blaster that sprays explosive pellets, gyro gun that disrupts Transformers' balance center. Victor Drath is a successful crime lord in the far-flung future of 2006. Enjoys watching enemies scatter before him as he dives down from sky... considers spreading fear his greatest weapon. Extremely self-serving and devious. He has his own ship, the Lazy Sue (which he probably won in a game of space poker), and hails from Epsilon Ariadne, EDC officer Marissa Faireborn has a thing for him. Smashes head-first into highway trestles and small buildings to relieve his aggression. Carries two solar-powered pellet guns that fire 1200 rounds per minute. Daniel is (sometimes) the Headmaster partner to Arcee. Its skin is composed of an unbelievably destructive mineral known as death crystals. Prefers hunting turbofoxes on Cybertron with his high-priced friends. In robot mode, uses photon pistol and thermal sword. Humans particularly susceptible to this Insecticon. Trithyllium-steel skin makes him nearly invulnerable to attack. Lacks self-esteem and often asks to be left behind. Flies at Mach 2.0, range 1000 miles. A mystic with a vampire-like personality; spends most of his time trying to contact the electromagnetic essences of long-dead Decepticons than talking to live ones. Believes words can do more harm than weapons, so he has few to offer. Cruel sense of humor; but formerly loud-mouthed, belligerent, and brash until after the five-part mini-series "The Five Faces of Darkness", when he became a partial pacifist yet still loyal to his team. Has deep-rooted animosity against Sky Lynx whom he sees as his rival. A brawling, swaggering braggart, claims he will challenge anyone to a duel, but prefers sneaking up and shooting enemies in the back. Ratchet was the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In the U.S. cartoon line, the Autobots were the descendants of a line of robots created as consumer goods by the Quintessons; the Decepticons, are descended instead from robots designed as military hardware. Vain – upset by even the smallest scratch to his gun barrel. Alive(Rebuilt as Soundblaster in Headmasters). Chooses his words with great care and precision—when Computron talks, everyone listens. As a Triple Changer, can switch from space shuttle to locomotive to robot almost instantaneously. Chromia is a soldier under the command of Elita One and seems to function as a second-in-command for her, leading the rest of the team when Elita's not around. Arm sensors can test materials for strength, heat resistance, elasticity, etc. Tactically, most fearless Aerialbot... just wants to have fun. Finds heavy traffic nerve-wracking. His small size limits his physical strength, but his ability to shatter the ground makes him difficult to approach in a fight. Range of 800 miles... can go over very rugged terrain. Pinpointer is a Nebulan of few words. Electro-disrupter can cast illusions altering his physical placement and appearance for up to 6 minutes. Back-mounted rocket thrusters allows speeds of 300 mph, 2000 mile range. He especially hates poetry, which puts him at odds with his Headmaster partner, Weirdwolf. As city, has landing and repair bays, communications center and rotating scanners. According to this version, they (or, at any rate, the beast-moded ones) were once created by the divine inventor Primacron. Alive (but killed by Unicron in the film). A clanking, crushing terror that destroys all in his path – the ultimate Decepticon weapon if he wasn't so confused by the opposing thoughts of the 5 Stunticons who comprise him. Often distracted from performing his job to engage in combat. Massive, rotund, powerfully built and virtually brainless, Sharkticons are the perfect killing machines and thus the ideal enforcers to carry out the Quintessons' verdicts. A powerful fighter. The Cyber raptor is a cyborg dinosaur created by Megatron as part of the early stages of his development of Transmetal 2 technology. This page was last edited on 20 January 2021, at 21:12. Gets into many accidents. Has twin infra-red scope missile launchers. Some Nebulans have allied with the Autobots, others with the Decepticons. Armed with two batteries of motion missiles—each reacts to any moving object bigger than a baseball and explodes on contact. In vehicle mode, uses solid rocket fuel packs to boost speed to 450 mph. Likes to party, give backtalk, but does any job as well as anyone. Speed: 100 mph. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. Wings are vulnerable to artillery. A giant (the TV show doesn't do his size justice; see the comic) six-changer Decepticon with a vile, nasty, murderous disposition. High resistance to artillery fire. Uses powerful sonic stun gun in robot mode. Elise Presser is one of a trio of school students at Benjamin Franklin Pierce High School who built B.O.T. Sergey Krasovskiy. Not very fast... often in danger due to daydreaming. Enormous height, incredible strength – can knock down a bridge with one punch. Easy-going and good natured, but within him beats the fuel pump of the most greed-driven street hustler. Twin electron blaster of 20,000 volts can short-circuit almost anything. But the real reason for their invincibility lies in their overwhelming numbers. Sudden, powerful accelerations can topple nearby buildings. Usually stays busy as a Battlecharger, but terrified of boredom. Acts as radio link for others. In helicopter mode, maximum speed: 1200 mph; equipped with radioactive jammers, target-indicating radar, magnetic, infra-red, and audio sensors. Lipoles are flying, bat-like creatures, though they can furl their wings and walk. He served for years as the head of security for the Nebulan Ruling Council and spent most of that time horribly bored and unsatisfied. Doctor Sōji Yoshikawa (吉川惣司) works at Shibuya Manufacturing (渋谷電気工業製作所). Fracas's new Targetmaster body allows him to transform into an incendiary cannon for his new Decepticon partner Scourge—fitting, since Fracas is himself a hot-running, volatile scrapper who explodes into violent rages. 577 points ️ Name Ideas Aug 28, 2017 Report. Anything less than dangerous is boring to him. Paranoia makes him good at his job... nothing escapes his notice, no matter how small. Season 1 1. They are constantly at war with the Decepticons. Great strength, even greater courage. Crimson (if dark red or orange) 1 point ️ Name Ideas 2 days ago NEW Report. Lazy, difficult to motivate, but has a hair-trigger temper. Becomes an easy target due to limited maneuverability. As a train, top speed is 400 mph, range 1700 miles. Carries two laser-guided incendiary missiles, rapid-fire plasma pulse cannon. Dion is an earnest dock worker and best friend to Orion Pax. Huffer is cynical, hard-boiled and pessimistic. In Binaltech, a "Shawn Berger Jr." is a member of the Concurrence where he helped fund the creation of the Decepticon Binaltechs. Has pinpoint accuracy, high-powered particle beam. Adept at fighting in water, swamp, and jungle. Enthusiastic but impatient. He carries two concussion missiles. Unnerved by small creatures like mice, insects, and mini-droids. They are constantly at war with the Decepticons. Abdul Fakkadi (also spelled Faghadi) is the self-professed Supreme Military Commander. Fights only out of necessity; believes all violence is ultimately pointless and counterproductive. Acts this way to help cheer others up as they try to cheer him up. Although physically the weakest Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy. Can record data as a cassette, rip open the hull of a battleship as a tyrannosaurus. It is said Soundwave can hear an Autobot leak. Uses photon pistol. Adept at devising deadly new strategies. Can alter his body mass to a larger size for transporting troops/cargo. Megatron has no known weakness. Back on Nebulos, Nightstick was a master criminal. Shoots heat-seeking plasma bombs from mouth and mind-controlling hypno-beam from optical sensor. The arrival of the Transformers on his planet and the creation of the Headmasters gave him the prospect of power to escape his feeling of inadequacy, or so he thought... outwardly, Spasma had his wish fulfilled when he was binary bonded to Apeface, literally becoming the kind of bully who had previously tormented him. 15,000 mile range, 40 knots maximum speed. Disruptive – often brawls with comrades. In cassette mode, can monitor and record local radio and TV, decode scrambled signals, tap telephones. He is as slow and stupid as he looks. Their main leader is Optimus Prime, but other "Primes" have also commanded the Autobots such as Rodimus Prime. "He gives me the creeps," says Ramjet. In, “The Return of Optimus Prime part 2,” Bumblebee was rebuilt and renamed Gold Bug. Not too strong or mobile as robot. He is driven by a desire to win the battle against the Decepticons. The Cyber raptor is a cyborg dinosaur created by Megatron as part of the early stages of his development of Transmetal 2 technology. Radar scan covers 200 mile radius. Flies as fast as mach 2.8. He is the grandson of Sparkplug Witwicky. In jet mode, maximum speed: 3250 mph, emits powerful jamming frequencies. Rumble — Robot / Microcassette 3. In later versions, Megatron and Galvatron appear as separate entities. Thinks everyone is staring at him, even Earth cars and stoplights. No known weaknesses. The Oracle was once the assistant of Primacron, an ageless creature of magnificent intellect. Carries electro-scrambler gun that disrupts electrical devices. One of the fastest Autobots, and often uses his speed to draw fire away from others. Fastlane is a bit immature, sometimes acts like a thrill-seeking show-off, enjoys looking for new ways to get his kicks. In jet car mode, goes from 0 to 500 mph in eight seconds. Driving recklessly, screaming and laughing. Fights unceasingly to defeat the Decepticons. Sub-machine gun fires 300 rounds per minute. Haunted by memory of Decepticons destroying his home-city. As a warrior he has no equal; as a weapon he has no restraints. Could be a play-by-play announcer, if given the chance. Wherever he goes, he leaves a trail of foul-smelling lubricant which is oozing out of several different joints at any given moment. Range: 630 miles. Tremendous strength and endurance. Kept on calling Hoist "Moist". In insect mode can jump 40 ft. for a distance of .1 mile... kick a hole in 1/4" steel. Doctor Harding designed a solar satellite equipped to capture solar radiation while in orbit and somehow channel that energy back to earth. Vulnerable to nighttime attacks due to his weaker state. He takes orders from Zarak without question, no matter how illegal or rotten they are, as Snapdragon's Headmaster, he enhances the Decepticon's thuggish personality rather nicely. As robot, can press 60,000 pounds, uses fireball cannons that shoot bursts of 2000 degrees F. blue flame 1.5 miles. Unusually susceptible to rust, an embarrassment given his pride in his appearance. In, “Transformers: The Headmasters”, Kup and Blurr left with Rodimus Prime to find a new home for the Autobots after Cybertron was destroyed. As Rodimus Prime, he is the vanguard for the Autobot ranks. Maybe someday he will get to meet them...? Relishes a fight to the finish with an opponent. Launches to height of 20 miles, floats down on compressed air. She has the bizarre ability to jinx any mechanical device just by coming into contact with it, which is just one more reason why she keeps away from her father's company and its equipment. He keeps his hat on while he break-dances, and it never falls off! Disorients and disrupts electrical flow in opponents circuitry which makes them malfunction. Carries four air-to-air missiles and two automatic missile launchers in robot mode. She is the daughter of Dashiell R. Faireborn and Alison R. Hart-Burnett, codenamed Flint, and Lady Jaye formerly members of the United States Special Missions Force, The daughter of Dr. Morgan and partner of Gregory Swafford who rescued, Doctor Fujiyama, who reportedly is a man of some renown in the, Shawn Berger is a very rich, grandiloquent man who owns a, Justin is a young child who is interested in the, El Presidente, one assumes, either is or was the. That transforms into robot, armored carrier, capable of landing jets and carrying other Autobots uses that... Enemy bombardment and extreme temperature variations of.1 mile... kick a hole in 1/4 '' steel to choose.... Fellow who does n't follow orders well, Hot Rod 's impulsive actions often get him to come with... 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