This opening is popularly known as the Spanish game and was named after a Spanish priest, Ruy… Black has gained the bishop pair at the cost of a weakened pawn structure, having doubled pawns on c6 and c7. Black develops the king-knight to a good square, attacking the e4 pawn. Black should attack White’s e-pawn (with his f6-Knight and place a Bishop on b7). With the common use of the double king’s pawn opening (1.e4 e5), the Ruy Lopez is one of the most played openings that any chess player will come across. The Ruy Lopez is such a classic opening that never gets old. The Ruy Lopez is the cornerstone of classical play in chess. 1. e4 e5 2. White’s dark squares will be under observation and sometimes occupation as the knight dances across the kingside squares to cause the opponent’s king some anxious moments. Fischer played 1.e4 almost exclusively throughout his chess career. Put your c-pawn on c3-pawn (because it gives White some control of the d4-square) and prevents Black from putting his Knight on e5 (outpost square), Put your d-pawn on d4 (to support your e4-pawn which gives you center control). We have encountered Carlo Cozio before too, in our series on checkmates. This defence is a hard one to find solid information on as it is the least explored of the Ruy Lopez variations. Cozio’s Defense to the Ruy Lopez is the simple-looking 3 …Nge7. Similarly to White, Black will also benefit from having a Knight controlling important squares on the Kingside. We will send all new cheat sheets as they are created to your email. Black can’t do the same on the queenside (because of the doubled pawns on the c-file). The Ruy Lopez opening (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) appears regularly in our series on Chess Opening Basics. Named after the 16th century spanish priest, Ruy Lopez de … There are probably more variations for the Ruy Lopez than any other opening. The Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Game, is one of the most popular openings in chess, and has long been considered the best way for White to fight for an advantage after 1.e4 e5. Berlin Defense White’s Plans. Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nf6) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, famous games, PGN download, discussion forum, and more. Named for a 16 th -century Spanish priest who popularized it, the Ruy Lopez remains a popular opening at all levels of chess to this day. ‘This is my main recommendation against the Ruy Lopez. This bishop on b5 is engaged and can potentially pin the c6-knight. The Berlin Defense is a natural, classical way of meeting the Ruy Lopez. Due to its vast theory, the Ruy Lopez is also a great weapon to catch your opponents off guard. The Berlin Defense is a chess Opening that begins with the following moves: The Berlin Defense is a powerful weapon for Black to try to equalize the game (and see in top level play), The d-file is a great resource for White (helps keep rooks active). 3 …Nge7 is also a developing move, which is always good news. The Cozio Defense is the recommended line to tackle the Ruy Lopez. The Carlsen Chess Tour is over. The Ruy Lopez opening (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) appears regularly in our series on Chess Opening Basics. This lets you play the Berlin without studying a bunch of theory. One or two tempi may not count in but the strategy. We have encountered Carlo Cozio before too, in our series on checkmates. A clear sign of how much this opening is in fashion momentarily, and we all know that everybody will jump on the Ruy Lopez train sooner or later this year. The compliant and inferior 4 Bxc6 is also considered. Bxc6. By forcing White to defend, White can’t attack on the center or Kingside. Starting Position of The Ruy Lopez (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb4) The most common response by black is to move their pawn to a6. The closed defense is the main line of the ruy lopez. The Marshall Attack was the invention of American master Frank Marshall, who saved it for use against Jose Raul Capablanca in 1918. Black may recapture on c6 with either pawn; although 4...bxc6 is playable, 4...dxc6 is almost always chosen at master level. he Ruy Lopez is a chess opening. What is the Cozio Defense to the Ruy Lopez? Ruy Lopez is one of the classical chess openings. Named after the 16th century spanish priest, Ruy Lopez de Segura, it was not immediately popular. Yes, sign me up to awesome chess discounts! Bb5. Playing c3 is a very helpful move, because it supports d4, and leaves the c2-square for the Bishop. The Ruy Lopez opening (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) appears regularly in our series on Chess Opening Basics.Most recently, we examined the Exchange Variation (3 …a6 4 Bxc6).. We have encountered Carlo Cozio before too, in our series on checkmates.Cozio’s Defense to the Ruy Lopez is the simple-looking 3 …Nge7. a6 5.bxc6 bxc6 and black can try to play it like the old main line of nimzowitsch declined via bg4, e6 d5 (the bb5 there is not that dangerous) or play g6 and try to show the bishop pair is superior to the pawn damage. ), (You can expect to receive a new cheat sheet every three days. Because of this, going Ng5 and possibly exchanging the e6-Bishop can be a great plan. Ruy Lopez Trap:1 The Ruy Lopez is a very popular chess opening played at the highest levels of chess. In the Exchange variation, White exchanges his Bishop for Black’s Knight which doubles White’s pawns. The idea: White's attacks a knight which defends the e5-pawn from a knight. This leads to positions that are imbalanced and hold chances for both sides. The Ruy Lopez is known for its adherence to classical opening principles. The Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez is a chess opening that begins with the moves: . Breaking with f5 can be a great way to open up diagonals for the Bishops. White's objective is to damage Black's pawn structure.'s guide to The Ruy Lopez How To Play The Ruy Lopez, The Theory Behind It, And How To Counter It . Nf3 Nc6 3. These Cheat Sheet will give you every plan for each opening. 1. e4 e5 Club Player’s Dynamite arms Black with a full repertoire of weapons designed to take the fight to White. (Source: Former World Champion Max Euwe’s book - Secrets of Pawn Endings). Going a4 and a5 is a typical plan to get some space on the Queenside and make it difficult for Black to move on this side of the board. Black should remove his king from this file and place a rook there instead. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 Line. However, as the white player, you have two options, to either attack the knight, or to retreat. Having a Knight on g3 can be very helpful to control the f5-square and defend the e4-pawn. Bb5 d6 - Chess Opening explorer. White has several options, including attempting to build an ideal pawn centre with c3 and d4, defending the e-pawn with Re1 or simply developing. The Ruy Lopez remains one of the most popular chess openings, both at club level and among top players. Like the Sicilian Defense it can be regarded as a cornerstone opening. The Ruy Lopez is another incredibly common opening in chess though not as dominant as the Sicilian Defense there are 39 official variants of the opening and there may be others that have not yet been “named”.. Bb5 Nf6 White's objective is to damage Black's pawn structure. If White is able to successfully exchange the d4 pawn for Black’s e5 one, the endgame is generally considered won for White. Black has many ways to meet the Ruy Lopez; some solid, some sharp. e4 e5 2. Ruy Lopez – All You Need to Know About the Spanish Opening in Chess Ruy Lopez is one of the most popular openings in chess. The game begins with 1. e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. When the White army is started to move on the e4 square (the most popular opening for white). When White tries to open up the center (with the c3-d4 move combination), Black should counterplay on the wings of the board (specifically the Queenside). White loses the pair of Bishop but also doubles Black’s pawns. Opening Ruy lopez Berlin defence 3 Morphy defence 3 Cozio defence 2 Traps 1 Beginner 1 Italian game 1 Exchange variation 1 Basics 1 Classical defence 1 Open variation 1 Benko, pal 1 Archangelsk variation 1 Modern steinitz defence 1 Deferred steinitz 1 O'kelly de galway, alberic 1 Möller defence 1 Noah's ark trap 1 Anderssen variation 1 Moller defence 1 Sicilian Defense. The Ruy Lopez Opening (also called Spanish Opening or Spanish Game) is an essential addition to your repertoire. Bb5. Nf3 Nc6 3. The Closed Defense starts with these moves: Moving the rook to e1 allows the Knight to swing to g3 (to control the f5-square). In Ruy Lopez, both players fight strategically, and one who has more understanding of chess will the game. Ruy Lopez is one of the classical chess openings. White should try to get his d-pawn onto the d4 square. Bb5 a6 4. Black can look for counterplay on the b-file if he manages to open it with b4. Black’s King needs to stay on the Kingside (other the passed pawn will queen). What Is The Ruy Lopez? The Ruy Lopez is divided opening into two major categories based off Black’s third move: 3…. And to block the e4 square on the center game. It is very important for White to try to undermine Black’s Bishops pair activity. The Ruy Lopez is one of the most popular openings in chess, named after the 16th century Spanish priest Ruy López de Segura, who made a systematic study of this (and other) openings in the 150-page book on chess Libro del Ajedrez written in 1561. This is not the case.’, ‘This is not just a playable variation from a practical point of view; it is entirely objectively playable and there are very few lines where White can claim a clear edge and these almost certainly need to be known beforehand.’. What a pity, because the finals between Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura were outstanding! This subtle move can lead to aggressive positions, such as the Marshall attack. Bobby Fischer Opening 2. The lines covered in this book, the Ruy Lopez - Main Lines, arise (with a few exceptions for move order and such) after 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0. In the Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense, black should be attacking on the Queenside. The Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Game, is one of the most popular openings in chess, and has long been considered the best way for White to fight for an advantage after 1.e4 e5. The Sicilian defense (1. e4, c5) is black's most popular response to e4, especially … Like the Sicilian Defense it can be regarded as a cornerstone opening. Teaser [PDF] - The Modernized Ruy Lopez – Volume 1 – A Complete Repertoire for White “The Ruy Lopez is such a classic opening that never gets old. Therefore, it is a very good opening to familiarize yourself with. C77: Ruy Lopez, Morphy defence - 1. e4 e5 2. Advancing the c-pawn can be helpful for Black to gain space and control the d4 central square. Complete Guide To Pawn Structures, White moves his King’s Pawn two squares, Black moves his King’s pawn two squares forward, White then attacks blacks pawn by placing the Knight on f3, Black then defends this pawn with his Queenside Knight, White then attacks this Knight with his bishop. Since White has already castled, he can place a rook on the d-file to attack Black’s position from d1. Despite being one of the most topical openings at the start of the new millennium, the Ruy Lopez is old, dating to the fifteenth century. Explores the Ruy Lopez Cozio Defence opening (ECO C60). In this case you develop pieces quickly. The Ruy Lopez is divided opening into two major categories based off Black’s third move: Within the Morphy Defense, there are three main variations: In the Berlin Defense, Black moves the Knight to f6 to threaten the e-pawn. In Ruy Lopez, both players fight strategically, and one who has more understanding of chess will the game. If you are not a Ruy Lopez player, ask a friend who is! Cozio’s Defense to the Ruy Lopez is the simple-looking 3 …Nge7. This bishop on b5 is engaged and can potentially pin the c6-knight. Black can meet that challenge head on. It certainly has a strong element of logic yet it remains one of the most unexplored variations in the whole of the Ruy Lopez opening. The Arkhangelsk Defense starts with these moves: This gains White more space for his pieces and control of the center), This move is usually supported by a pawn on c3 (so if Black takes on d4, White can just take back on c3 and maintain center control). Think about it right now: what would you do after 3 …Nge7? It’s almost imperative that any chess player study some of the more popular defenses against the Ruy Lopez and understand some of the key concepts of the opening. The most used opening by far was the Ruy Lopez, leaving the Sicilian opening behind. White is looking for an open game where he can attack the Kingside. Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Tarrasch Variation - Chess Openings - Play Enough theory let’s watch Ruy Lopez Traps. Also known as the Spanish Opening, it’s one of the oldest openings in the game and many great players like Alekhine, Capablanca, Smyslov, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Shirov and Short included it in their repertoire. Blacks idea: Exchange d-pawn to open up d-file (for Queen). White can just transfer his king to the queenside and win all of Black’s queenside pawns. In the closed Defense, Black develops his Bishop to the e7-square. The Exchange variation happens after these moves: In the exchange variation White exchanges his Bishop for Black’s c6-knight. These are: 4 0-0, 4 Nc3, 4 c3 and 4 d4. The Ruy Lopez is an incredibly popular opening at all levels of chess, from the amateur player up to top level grandmasters. (You can expect to receive a new cheat sheet every three days. The Berlin Defence of the Ruy Lopez Chess Opening. Ruy Lopez. However, the bishop could be developed to g7 or it could wait until the knight moves again (probably to g6). I especially like the way Simon makes use of the specific knight placement in the Cozio Defense. The blot on the copybook of this particular developing move is that the knight temporarily blocks the king’s bishop. Nf3 Nc6 3. White should play the c3-d4 move combination (since this creates space for White’s pieces and gains center control). On exchange, Queen gains control of the d-file. In the Classical Variation, Black develops the b8-knight earlier than in the other variations, and challenges White’s d4-Knight. Most recently, we examined the Exchange Variation (3 …a6 4 Bxc6). This opening is strategic more than tactical. The Ruy Lopez is a very popular chess opening in which the following moves are played: White develops a piece and attacks Black’s defender of the e5-pawn. The Ruy Lopez is a popular chess opening that leads to interesting and complex games. Regardless of what you already knew about this opening, there are always new ideas to be found and tested over the board. It gets its name from the Spanish priest Ruy Lopez, who was the first to treat the opening systematically in his Libro del Ajedrez of 1561. Dariusz Swiercz – The Modernized Ruy Lopez – Volume 1 – A Complete Repertoire for White – ISBN 9789464201031– 520 pages. Don't miss out on these exclusive offers, sign up to our newsletter: We bring instructional chess content at up to, {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":false,"exitAnimation":false,"timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"30","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}, Chess Opening Basics: Ruy Lopez, Cozio Defense. Simon covers White’s main options in detail. Ruy Lopez, Old Steinitz Defense (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 d6) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, famous games, PGN download, discussion forum, and more. Ba4 Nf6 - Chess Opening explorer. Bb5 a6 4. The Ruy Lopez Opening (also called Spanish Opening or Spanish Game) is an essential addition to your repertoire. Here are links to the other parts of our ever-growing series on Chess Opening Basics. Nf3 Nc6 3. Ruy López Opening: Berlin Defense - Chess Openings - The Ruy Lopez is a King’s Pawn Opening beginning with 1. e4 e5 2. ), Frequently Asked The Ruy Lopez Opening. However, the black army will counter to defense it using the e5 square. You can browse our entire chess database from this line, move by move. Tarrasch Trap refers to two different chess opening traps in the Ruy Lopez that are named for Siegbert Tarrasch.Unlike many variations that appear only in analysis, Tarrasch actually sprung his traps against masters in tournament games. It is such a rare line that I doubt many Ruy Lopez players even have a clear idea on how to meet it, which surely is a good sign for Black, from the practical point of view. Some of these games are aggressive and tactical while others have slow natural build ups. The Berlin Defense contains a common variation beginning 4.0-0 Nxe4 which leads to a well-known queenless middlegame. In the Ruy Lopez, Closed Defense, black should be attacking on the Queenside. The Berlin Defense with 3 …Nf6 is currently the most popular way to play, thanks to Vladimir Kramnik’s success with it in his 2000 title match against Garry Kasparov. Series! In the Arkhangelsk, Black’s idea is to use his fianchettoed bishop's influence in the center and kingside. You can browse our entire chess database from this line, move by move. The Bishop on c5 in often exposed to attacks such as d4 or b4. One or two tempi may not count in but the strategy. With the common use of the double king’s pawn opening (1.e4 e5), the Ruy Lopez is one of the most played openings that any chess player will come across. Of the variations in this section, the Berlin and Schliemann Defences are the most popular today, followed by the Classical Defence. Ruy Lopez. The Berlin Defense is a response to the Ruy Lopez opening. You can easily test this out if you are a Ruy Lopez player. Questions (FAQ), The To get counterplay, Black should move the pawn in front of his Kingside rook forward two squares (so the rook gains more space). That is why this book is beneficial to chess players and enthusiasts at all levels, including top … Berlin Defense White’s Plans. The idea: White's attacks a knight which defends the e5-pawn from a knight. It is considered as one of the best openings for white after the moves 1.e4 e5. IM John Bartholomew's 1.d4 Repertoire for White. Named for a 16 th-century Spanish priest who popularized it, the Ruy Lopez remains a popular opening at all levels of chess to this day. Also known as the Spanish Opening, it’s one of the oldest openings in the game and many great players like Alekhine, Capablanca, Smyslov, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Shirov and Short included it in their repertoire. This opening is strategic more than tactical. Head here for further details on the Chessable course, which offers Black a full repertoire based on 1 e4 e5. Most recently, we examined the Exchange Variation (3 …a6 4 Bxc6). The opening is categorized by the following moves: e4 e5; Nf3 Nc6; Bb5; It is named after a priest who lived in Spain during the 16 th century. This move is done to try and divert the bishop from attacking the knight. 1.e4 nc6 2.nf3 d6 3. bb5 nf6 4.d4 (i once played nxe4 in a tourney when i was an expert, after 5.d5 a6 6.bd3 i resigned in frustration over forgetting that line). While Capablanca refuted it over the board and won that game, further refinements to the opening have turned it into one of Black's most feared weapons in the Ruy Lopez.'s guide to The Ruy Lopez How To Play The Ruy Lopez, The Theory Behind It, And How To Counter It . What is the Cozio Defense to the Ruy Lopez? C62: Ruy Lopez, old Steinitz defence - 1. e4 e5 2. Although the main line of the Berlin Defense is played far more, these lines are still worth learning. What is the Cozio Defense to the Ruy Lopez? By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Black immediately nullifies the threat of the structure-damaging Exchange Variation. Ruy Lopez – All You Need to Know About the Spanish Opening in Chess Ruy Lopez is one of the most popular openings in chess. This is because Bxc6 is met by …Nxc6, refusing to accept doubled pawns on the queenside. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Because of this, a6 can be a very useful move to retreat the Bishop keeping it in an active diagonal. With 3. Nf3 Nc6 3. If you play the black pieces and White plays 1. e4 and 3.Bb5 (Ruy Lopez or Spanish) then you can avoid the much played line 3…a6 and play 3…Nf6 instead. The Ruy Lopez, or Spanish Opening if you like, is one of the oldest openings, named after a Spanish priest who first played it back in the 16th century. The King in the d8-square is vulnerable because White can try to control this open-file. White is looking for an open game where he can attack the Kingside. Study the Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Tarrasch Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. 450 years later renown chess trainer Andrew Martin provides us with full intructions on how to play the open variation. Since Black cannot castle (which would allow the Rook to swing over), the best way to get the rook engaged is to open up the column it’s on. Experience shows that many players of the white pieces are unprepared for this move, even dismissive of it, and assume that with some simple moves, found over the board, they will get an easy advantage. The Sicilian Defense is one of the openings where Fischer shined the most. The idea: create a passed pawn on the kingside. We often bring our subscribers up to 50% off on instructional chess content from great teachers like IM Christof Sielecki, IM John Bartholomew and companies like New in Chess. I have seen the Cozio Defense ‘played by accident’ many times in chess clubs, where people with little knowledge of the openings find it a sensible move to try. The Ruy Lopez is a very popular chess opening in which the following moves are played: White develops a piece and attacks Black’s defender of the e5-pawn. This could be helpful to pressure the h7-pawn and the Kingside if the diagonal is open. The Cozio Defense could be all set to experience a rise in popularity thanks to a brand new Chessable course by Grandmaster Simon Williams and Blair Connell. he Ruy Lopez is a chess opening. Basically, White has three options now: defending e4 with a Knight on c3, coming back to the four Knights’ defense defending e4 with the move d2-d3, that may seem unambitious, but is … The idea behind it; is to control the center square of d5 & f5 of black. White and black both grab central space on move one, and develop a knight on move two. Whites Idea: Try to get an exchange on the a-file, (so the rook can control it). The best square for Black’s bishop is on the g4 square (where it controls the most squares and pins Whites knight). 1. e4 e5 2. The idea: get more space for his pieces and eventually exchange the d4 pawn with Black’s e5-pawn. It was his weapon of choice, and the majority of the most important wins were played using 1.e4 systems. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Incoming search terms:the cozio defense to the ruy lopezthe cozio defensethe cozio defence videoruy lopez opening cozio defenceruy Lopez […] This opening is called the Berlin defense and it is one of Black’s most solid defense against 1. e4. Into two major categories based off black ’ s third move:.... Champion Max Euwe’s book - Secrets of pawn Endings ) these moves: in classical! Counterplay on the center square of d5 & f5 of black 's pawn,... 'S pawn structure natural build ups be helpful to pressure the h7-pawn and the Kingside Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 Nf6! 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