Along with this, there is the ability to set the different length of time between alarm sounds, effectively working as a programmable snooze. Alarm indicators operate for 1 minute per decoded signal from fire alarm sounder. Wake by self in time, which is lucky, cos the alarm I set on my palm was on English time. A built-in buzzer (available with output option) sounds an alarm whenever a limit is reached. Even in the early part of the 19th century sentinels stood on duty night and day, and at a signal of alarm the whole population, including the Turkish aga himself, used to hide in the woods. Everyone go English words and Examples of Usage use "set the alarm" in a sentence You've got to set the alarm clock before you go to bed. After an extremely convivial evening, the Thursday morning alarm call came early. All staff will be trained in their use and in the evacuation procedure in the event of a fire alarm. He stepped forward and she backed away in, 17. automation system; the failure of any unit triggers an alarm. It might be more helpful, though, to think about what these kinds of sentences don't do. Alarm Tone: In addition to picking an alarm clock with an adjustable alarm sound, many sound sleepers find that being able to adjust the tone or the noise played is beneficial. The concrete steps didn't look too bad when I started, but by the time I was done, my dustpan held a dust bunny that was truly frightening. Even Gladys Turnbull's alarm must have been muffled enough not to disturb his slumber. I never saw so much traffic! The same is true with alarm clocks, as there are many alarm apps available for major smartphone platforms. All our rooms have remote control teletext TV 's, radio alarm clocks and tea and coffee facilities. As soon as I see the light, I will mount my horse and ride out to give the alarm. or Is John here? So , Ross, you go in through the air duct and disable the alarm, okay? In most cases, as long you see your child is growing and developing, however, there shouldn't be any reason for concern or alarm. But the growth of dissent steadily continued and excited alarm from time to time; and it may be questioned whether the peace of the church was not purchased at too high a price. snooze button which will let you postpone the alarm call - up to a maximum of 4 times. Emerson CKS1862: This is an inexpensive and straightforward alarm clock that features three alarm modes: every day, weekdays-only or weekends-only. Sheresignedlyturned off her alarm clock and started getting ready for the bsuy day ahead. They have a crisp digital display and a ` tap on ` snooze function for the alarm. 2. transitive verb. When he felt he wouldn't explode, he looked around. It is not necessary to confirm that all fire alarm sounder circuits operate correctly at the time of this test. During the fire alarm, one of the officers had left her post. Examples of false alarm in a sentence, how to use it. said Princess Mary looking at the midwife with wide-open eyes of alarm. dawn simulators consist of an alarm clock with a light on top. 3. To alarm the British force at Philadelphia the Americans floated kegs charged with gunpowder down the Delaware river towards that city, and the British, alarmed for the safety of their shipping, fired with cannon and small arms at everything they saw floating in the river. When an alarm occurs Deafgard's high-intensity flashing strobe provides a visual indicator and the under pillow pad vibrates to awaken guests. He came up with the electric clock, a form of fire alarm, a railway signal and a loudspeaker. Whether you're a skier, hiker, swimmer or cyclist, a sports watch is an accessory you'll need to help keep you going--most come equipped with alarm features that keep you on time, and most are resistant to water and scratches. Is the Fire Alarm easily audible above machinery noise? Commonly used words are shown in bold. keep hubby on his toes by packing his lunchbox with plasticine and an old alarm clock. Neverlate Executive: This more advanced alarm clock has largely been designed for professionals with varying schedules. The explanation, according to some historians, is that the people looked forward with alarm to the union of Germany with Italy. 3. I set my alarm clock to a trumpet fanfare, I will wake up at the right time tomorrow! She doubted anything would alarm this man if tricking a woman into wedding him and discovering the news of his sisters' impending children did not. The political leaders were far more conscious than either Vienna or Budapest of the volcanic state of public opinion: but when in genuine alarm and from a sense of impotence they attempted to restrain their followers, the only result was a loss of influence over the younger generation, which had become increasingly infected by revolutionary ideas. What this means is that the alarm will go off at exactly the same time every time, but that may not necessarily fit with your schedule. Balak, king of Moab, became alarmed, and sent for Balaam to curse Israel; Balaam came after some hesitation, but when he sought to curse Israel Yahweh compelled him to bless them. The growing power of France caused alarm to her neighbours, and Sweden, Denmark, Spain and the emperor lent a willing ear to the persuasions of the stadholder and were ready to aid his efforts to curb the ambition of Louis. These insects are adorned with bands of black and yellow, or with bright metallic colours, and on account of their large size and formidable ovipositors they often cause needless alarm to persons unfamiliar with their habits. But he had caused alarm, and he refused all demands for the withdrawal of the loathed articles of Perth. or Is John here? These successes roused natural alarm in the minds of the Belgae - a confederacy of tribes in the north-west of Gaul, whose civilization was less advanced than that of the Celtae of the centre - and in the spring of 57 B.C. His eyes too seemed strange; at one moment they looked impudently sly and at the next glanced round in alarm. 2. The alarm will be sounded and you'll be in a pretty position without your boots! Your computer may already be able to automatically update its system time based on information pulled from the Internet, but even standalone alarm clocks can have this level of up-to-the-moment accuracy and precision. Alarm Raised The outbreak was discovered by a Mrs Murray who woke up to find her room full of thick smoke. Dean allowed Gladys to devour a platoon-size breakfast while he delayed bringing up the awkward question of the late-night alarm. He now, it is said, applied for help to Dr Israel Tonge, rector of St Michael's in Wood Street, an honest half-crazy man, who even then was exciting people's minds by giving out quarterly "treatises in print to alarm and awake his majesty's subjects.". Alarming definition is - causing people to feel danger or alarm or to be worried or frightened. 7. Parallel will not protect a fire alarm panel nor prevent false alarms. It seemed to her that something heavy was beating rhythmically against all the walls of the room: it was her own heart, sinking with alarm and terror and overflowing with love. Did the alarm clock go off ? It also supports dual alarm times and a gradual escalating alarm volume. The alarm was first raised by the harbor security officer on the main fish key gate. This was something about which they should have been sounding the alarm. Through into a spacious double bedroom with quality furniture which includes alarm clock and hairdryer. The fan 's tachometer output enables the alarm module to monitor the speed of the fans. Say hello to Nobby, the interactive alarm clock and desktop buddy all in one! Among the princes it excited horror and alarm, and in 1792 the emperor rencb Leopold II. I thought, " if you've set the alarm clock you want to get up. enuresis sensors) A range of products that generate an alarm signal when a person wets their bed. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The second occasion on which Lord Palmerstons vigorous liplomacy excited alarm arose out of the revolution which broke)ut almost universally in Europe in 1848. alarm definition: 1. a warning of danger, usually a loud noise or flashing light: 2. a device that makes a loud…. 4. ... As he spoke the voice came so near to Zeb that he jumped back in alarm. banks from Aswan to Abu Simbel were threatened with inundation and the scientific world took alarm. All our rooms have remote control teletext TV's, radio alarm clocks and tea and coffee facilities. The soldiers looked askance at him with surprise and even alarm as they went past him. For example, it has nature sounds for its alarm, as well as an integrated projector to display the time on the wall or ceiling. In great alarm Abdalmalik endeavoured to stifle the revolt by offering to dismiss Hajjaj from his post. Their insinuations that Nehemiah was seeking to be ruler and their representations to Artaxerxes would be enough to alarm the king (cf. 3. What can I do to ensure the alarm does not cause unnecessary annoyance to my neighbors? In great alarm lest the beys should join them, especially as they were far north of his position, he immediately sent messengers to his rivals, promising to comply with all their demands if they should join in. At the same time he claimed the authorship of a letter, not signed by the Westchester farmer, which under the title An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New York (1775) discussed the power of this the only legal political body in the colony. Sensing her alarm, Darkyn's mate turned and took the arm of the girl behind her, pushing her towards the black door to Hell. The type of alarm clock your deaf child chooses will depend on how heavy a sleeper they are. it example sentences. The three-story home was on the cutting edge of design complete with the latest technology, including a burglar alarm. Glancing at the iridescent numbers on her alarm clock, she discovered it was only two a.m. addressable system is one which indicates which part of the site has a fire rather than just sending out a general alarm. I kept thinking I could hear an alarm clock. Sony baby monitors are equipped with an alarm to notify you when the monitor moves out of range. Alarm in a sentence 1. A panic alarm had been installed at his home by police and he was still wary about going out. Meanwhile, indignation at Antony's un-Roman excesses, and alarm at Cleopatra's rumoured schemes of founding a GrecoOriental empire, were rapidly increasing. Alarm definition: Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples If the school alarm rings, all of the teachers and students should stay inside the classroom until the danger has passed. Yazid in alarm, offered him as the price of peace the government of this province together with Armenia and Azerbaijan. It’s good to get in the habit of writing down sentences. The apartment features hot and cold air conditioning, alarm, fully fitted kitchen and cream marble floors throughout. Some headboards also come with built in shelving where you can stack books, iPods and the dreaded alarm clock. The Austrian stroke had failed, and worse than failed, for Napoleon III., who had been filled with alarm at this attempt to create on his flank an empire of 70,000,000, saw in Prussias attitude no more than a determination to maintain for her own ends the division and weakness of Germany; and this mistaken diagnosis of the situation determined his attitude during the crisis that followed. She can consider herself lucky that her cries for help were heard by two passing walkers, who raised the alarm. Where's the fire alarm? Irene took alarm, sued for peace, and obtained a truce for three years, but only on the humiliating terms of paying an annual 2 The first citizens of Medina who embraced Islam were called Ansar ("helpers"). They can also be very useful for people with shift work schedules who may need to wake up at different times on different days, setting an alarm for 7 a.m. on Mondays while having the alarm go off at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays, for example. With some help, you'll surely find the perfect alarm clock that will wake up even the deepest of sleepers. Oh, you are very pale! misfirecan I do to stop a misfiring car alarm? The alarm of the government at the power and popularity of the Liberal party induced it, soon after the accession of the new king, the emperor Ferdinand I. Take the day off from work, set the alarm clock early, grab a cup of hot coffee and settle in, because on this day, the shopping is fast, serious and fun. Breathless, she reached the exit onto the roof and pushed it open, flinching at the alarm that sounded. Some of them, like a guy directing traffic atop stilts at one of last Monday's Mayday demos, prefer to wear a pink bunny suit. They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. For child pool safety, it is a great idea if you invest in a Safety Turtle armband with alarm station to alert you if a child has fallen into the water. Just 10cm in front of them levels can reach 120 decibels which is the equivalent of holding a smoke alarm to your ear! How to use alarming in a sentence. fire example sentences. Dusty tossed his phone on the nightstand and set the alarm clock. The Wake Up Work Out Alarm Clock operates on a very simple principle: when you get your body moving, your mind will follow and you will wake up. 2) Ticktock, ticktock … the sound of the clock was all that could be heard in the hospital waiting room. Did You Know? The Chartists were induced to abandon the procession which had caused so much alarm, and the monster petition was carried in a cab to the House of Commons. Alarm clocks ringing in the middle of the night, ghosts walking around, everyone hopping into someone else's bed, half the people wanting to kill the other half! In alarm he wishes to flee, considering himself lost. For example, if you’re going to a party where you want to make new friends, write down some sentences to use before you go. The alarm was greater, as theology was still unreconciled with the Darwinian theory; and Clifford was regarded as a dangerous champion of the antispiritual tendencies then imputed to modern science. Dawn simulators consist of an alarm clock with a light on top. The alarm clock beside her bed indicated 2:00 am in large orange numbers. Smoking There are smoke detectors in the bedrooms and corridors which will sense tobacco smoke and sound the alarm. It was so light that he could see the moonlight reflected from the metal harness disks and from the eyes of the horses, who looked round in alarm at the noisy party under the shadow of the porch roof. I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock. undercurrent of public concern and even alarm about the implications of the new research. Deidre dropped her hand quickly from the knotted skin, alarm pulsing through her. in 1723,at once aroused Y P J P the strong opposition of the Amsterdam merchants who looked upon this invasion of their monopoly with alarm, and declared that the Ostend Company had been set up in contravention to the terms of Article V. They defeated the Fanti, stirred up disputes at Elmina, and encamped at Mampon near Cape Coast, to the great alarm of the inhabitants. 98 examples: But, there were statistically significant group differences in false alarm… Whether you've spent a fortune on a brand new vehicle or a handsome sum on a used car, it's a good idea to protect your investment with a car alarm. He felt like a packaged pound of dog meat after slightly less than three hours sandwiched in his warm and comfortable bed between Ethel Rosewater's last frenzied spasm of pleasure and the screaming alarm clock. The Evening Sun reporter, in mousing about saw an alarm clock by the dead man's side with the hand pointing to seven o' clock. They spend most of their time in the water, but are also very fond of basking in the hot sun on the banks of rivers or in marshes, usually with the head turned towards the water, to which they take on the slightest alarm. The alarm sounded the second Damian materialized into the compound. Other items include Climatic semi-automatic air conditioning, remote central locking with alarm, electric windows and mirrors and a radio/CD player. First is something called GRADUWAKE, a feature that provides an alarm with gradually increasing volume. It’s good to get in the habit of writing down sentences. They have read that such children are sometimes autistic and ask, with some alarm, whether conspicuous early ability and obsessive interest might mean their child has some developmental disorder. The dream of Darkyn was no doubt a fever dream, one that caused distant alarm despite her illness. Can somebody turn the alarm off?" Won't the alarm sound when the bastard opens that door? His statement of the latter doctrine so aroused the alarm of certain clergymen of the Church of Scotland that he found it necessary to withdraw what was regarded as a serious error, and to attribute man's delusive sense of freedom, not to an innate conviction implanted by God, but to the influence of the passions. Simply plug the sensor into the jack socket on the alarm sounder. The smoke alarm went off. In summary all staff should know: How to raise the alarm. How to use it in a sentence. These include: - Fitting a smoke alarm - Buying an approved car seat. If you ignore the alarm and choose to snooze, the Clocky will actually roll itself off your bedside table and proceed to roll around in the room, hiding in some unknown crevice until you go to turn it off. We were sure the Jimmy had the gangway wired up to an alarm in his cabin, he missed nothing! William, now supreme in the States, while on land struggling with chequered success against the superior forces of the French, strove by his diplomacy, and not in vain, to gain allies for the republic. Install a CO alarm in the hallway near the bedrooms in each separate sleeping area. Using the provided toy gun, you must then shoot the target to turn off the alarm. The woman rummaged through the colorful attire in a frenzy until she retrieved and turned off a large old fashioned alarm clock. 26 sentence examples: 1. They can also make purring noises, one tone appears to be an alarm call. The autocratic powers of the Grand Alliance, though forced to support him as the representative of legitimacy in Spain, watched his proceedings with disgust and alarm. beautiful mantel, carriage and alarm clocks - quality at its best. sellout concert in New York City, The Alarm were joined on stage by Neil Young. How to use fire in a sentence. It was necessary to prevent the enemy from receiving information; it was necessary to avoid publishing information that would unnecessarily alarm British people or their Allies, or mislead neutrals as to the progress of the war; and it was also necessary for British censors to pay due regard to the censorship policies of other countries with whom Great Britain was associated. Click on a word above to view its definition. He was jailed alongside two other men following a six month undercover police operation which resulted in the seizure of 50 kilograms of heroin and cocaine, worth in excess of £2 million. smoke alarm - Buying an approved car seat. Mowing the lawn was a walk in the park. The alarm frightened the thief away. He didn't have a smoke alarm. 2. If that was Gladys Turnbull's alarm clock, I hope she gets it fixed. He was seized with alarm lest something should have happened to the child while he was reading the letter. As the fox came into the yard( ), the chickens began squawking in, 18. 2. Here are some examples. 2. It’s also a good idea to write down and learn interesting or even unusual phrases and idioms. Harassment Putting people in fear of violence; also continual, persistent attacks causing alarm or distress. It also has an audible bleep for heart rate training zone alarm. Sentence Examples. Why have false fire alarms plagued the dormitory, for so many years? Many people whose hearing is not severely impaired are still able to hear a conventional smoke alarm. While you won't have to get out of bed to fetch something like the previous two examples, the Gun Shooting Alarm Clock is another great way to help you wake up each morning. CK 1 323801 I overslept because my alarm didn't go off. The Nanda Clocky is a unique alarm clock in that it has a pair of ruggedized wheels on its sides. A handy tip is to have a backup power source dedicated to your alarm in case the would-be criminal disconnects your car's main battery, thus deactivating your alarm. At daybreak, however, those nearing the town at the Dorogomilov bridge saw ahead of them masses of soldiers crowding and hurrying across the bridge, ascending on the opposite side and blocking the streets and alleys, while endless masses of troops were bearing down on them from behind, and an unreasoning hurry and alarm overcame them. Protestant England took alarm at the proceedings of a queen who associated herself so closely with the doings of "the grim wolf with privy paw.". You could also set an alarm clock … The ladies of the bedchamber were so unpopular in consequence of their behaviour to Lady Flora Hastings that the public took alarm at the notion that the queen had fallen into the hands of an intriguing coterie; and Lord Melbourne, who was accused of wishing to rule on the strength of court favour, resumed office with diminished prestige. fire alarm call points and fire extinguishers. The Ottoman staff had, moreover, on the first alarm begun to hurry reinforcements on the Sari Bair from the rear, while the Allied troops were so much exhausted by their nocturnal experiences that all attempts to win the upper ridge failed on the 7th. 4. The First Philippic, spoken early in 351 B.C., was no sudden note of alarm drawing attention to an unnoticed peril. He set the alarm before going to bed. 7. The subject you is understood. Its handy travel features include a currency convertor and alarm clock. Other standard equipment included immersion heater, shaver socket, radio alarm clock, hairdryer and vacuum cleaner. The princess glanced at her watch and, seeing that she was five minutes late in starting her practice on the clavichord, went into the sitting room with a look of alarm. Everyone is entitled to equal access under the DDA this includes a building's fire alarm. 6. All Rights Reserved. The effect on the miss, false alarm and segment impurity rates is given in Table 5. leaning tower has been the cause of considerable alarm to many an inhabitant. The alarm was received at 4-30 a.m. and the Arrochar voluntary fire brigade was at the scene of the outbreak in eight minutes. Unfortunately, there's no consistency with this sort of thing, it all depends on context. Austria-Hungary also differed from Russia as to the position of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and during 1886-1887 much alarm was caused by the massing of Russian troops on the Galician frontier. The concrete steps didn't look too bad when I started, but by the time I was done, my dustpan held a dust bunny that was truly frightening. Rhyn you – Surprise and then alarm filled Rhyn. Conscious, nevertheless, that a struggle impended, they instantly sent word to all the other colonies, whose whig elements sympathetically responded to the alarm. On their familiar faces he read agitation and alarm. Then he remembered the ringing alarm clock in the luggage of their other guest. 13. artless creature was inspired by a sort of gentle alarm for me. 96 Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-parent:"";mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;mso-para-margin:0in;mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Calibri;mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri;mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} Although the alarm went off, he continued sleeping. Children who are very heavy sleepers may need an alarm clock that uses a vibrating pad and a flashing light to wake them. Do be aware of changes, but small and gradual changes are generally no cause for alarm. 32 He came up with the electric clock, a form of fire alarm, a railway signal and a loudspeaker. bilge alarm had sounded alerting the crew, who managed to abandon the vessel to the liferafts. "Mary Bogdanovna, I think it's beginning!" Sentence pairs containing alarm translated in English and Spanish. I left word I'd call from the airport in the morning and set my phone alarm in time for my early departure. Kiera dreamt of a planet filled with spiders and dinosaurs and awoke in her bed a couple of hours later to the soft sound of her alarm clock going off.

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